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Uploder Plus - Alfresco 6.0

Has anyone tried Uploader Plus successfully with Alfresco 6.0?I installed the amps to see what would happen, no errors but it does not show in the Admin Tools.  Wondering if anyone has had it work successfully.Thanks!

cahunt by Champ on-the-rise
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How to delete file link force

Hi,There's a problem in Alfresco community 5.2. I found some file links whose destination is NULL, and try to delete those, but failed."Force delete" on nodebroser doesn't work with below error.050729912 Property 'nodeRef' has not been set: org.alfre...

Call webscripts from ADF

Hello,I wonder how to call a repo webscripts from the ADF layer, that is not being called by the ADF services (peopleApi, SiteService ..)Is there any Api that I can use that checks the authorization ?

devsyn by Champ in-the-making
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Cancel functionality in activiti

I have a simple  process with three task  first task(t1) has  save and complete button second task has a form with two fileds f1 and f2 where f1 is mandatory. I have two outcomes on this form submit and cancel, submit will take me to the next task(t3...

Is there a way to check uploaded files?

Dear Community,we have installed Alfresco community v.5.2.0. A colleague of mine told me that a document which he was sure to have uploaded is disappeared from Alfresco. Is there a way to check if Alfresco has lost an updated document? And how can we...

how to get Custom Form Stencil in APS Workspace

Hi,  I am working on creating a form stencil. When I create one in APS, I am able to see the rendered form correctly in APS UI but when I navigate to localhost:8080/activiti-app/workspace, I see a message as Unknown type:my-stencil-identifier-name.  ...

sravand by Champ in-the-making
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