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Forum Posts

Failed to create keystore while alfresco startup

Hi,I am getting the below error when I try to setup alfresco 5.2.3 . Is there any setup I need to do with my content store. I have followed the below two link for my setup but don't see any keystore related changes except for the director setup in al...

kartech11 by Confirmed Champ
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tiny html editor table columns

I try to set a table with two columns in the html-editor to arrange text an image (left text, right image).When I paste the image right in the right cell it's OK.When I paste the text in the left cell, the right column with image gets small:I cannot ...

franky4 by Champ in-the-making
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Not able to use spring bean in service task

Hello Everyone,         I want to create custom beans in Alfresco Process Service 1.9, for that i'm following the  Spring Beans | Alfresco Documentation. As per this i have create one java class which is registered as bean and having one method that ...

Time Zone Issue

I have created workflow where the problem is due date difference during selection of date and display of date.Please check Attach Image.Image 1 is showing selection of date.Image 2 is showing display of Date.Image 3 is showing API Response.

Resolved! Trigger on restore from the trashscan

I need to set a property after recovering a node from the trashcan. What is the best way to do this? Now I am thinking about using a trigger.Could you tell me how to implement a trigger to restore the object from the trashcan? I chose onCreateNodefro...

npavlov by Confirmed Champ
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Resolved! How to hide the workflow function on the document-detail.

I use Alfresco Share.Because we do not use workflow function, I want to hide the workflow function from the menu on the detail screen of the document. Please how should I solve this problem?Thanks in advanced.  (About environment) ・CentOS ver.7 ・Alfr...

yosk by Champ on-the-rise
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User Session Manager

This addon used to see all active sessions in alfresco. User with administrator permissions can log in and see a list of the active sessions in alfresco and destroy any of them. User will be logged off from alfresco and share automatically. OwnerAimp...

Workflow Issue in alfresco community

Hello Everyone,             Once the file is approved, it should be locked and should not allow users to edit/download the file. They should only be able to view. Right now, we’re able to do both, even after the file is approved. RegardsLeela N

leela by Confirmed Champ
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