i can't open alfresco share
when i open in localhost, it was a pop up : the remote device or reseource won't accept the connection
when i open in localhost, it was a pop up : the remote device or reseource won't accept the connection
Hi all,I installed ADF 2.6.1 and getting login issue when i try to login using admin/adminI am getting this errorYou've entered an unknown username or passwordCan anyone help - looks like some config issue.
Gostaria de saber como posso fazer para incluir marca d'água em um documento. Quando pesquisei só achei sobre o pdfToolKit, porém esse addon não funciona nas ultimas versões do alfresco e não possui mais suporte.Existe alguma outra forma de adicionar...
---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslov...
Steps in configuring fillable forms
error "org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 11280057 Failed to execute search: /app:company_home/app:dictionary/app:transfers/app:transfer_groups/cm:default"
I would like to create a customizable task flow so that I can fulfill the processes I work with. How can I do this in Alfresco?
Hello All.Maybe it is the known issue - I have multiple service tasks in process, which are supposed to be called one by one. The issue is, that some of them are called multiple times. To be more presize - I have 3 service tasks, first one is called ...
Is there a free addon for using digital signature? I'm starting now with the process of digital document signatures and I do not quite understand the process. How can I implement this? Thank you very much in advance.
Hi,i have managed to change footer of alfresco share but when i advanced search some document or go in search manager alfresco footer appears.i did lot of research but unable to reach at that point.guide me this pointthanks,Kalpesh
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