Activiti 7 run without Authentication.It is Possible? and how?
Activiti 7 run without Authentication.It is Possible?? and how??Please suggest some configuration so we can configure it.
Activiti 7 run without Authentication.It is Possible?? and how??Please suggest some configuration so we can configure it.
Hi, I'm working with SDK 4 and latest acs version.I tried to connect to remote debug using eclipse and I can't. Versión 6.0.7-ga works fine.Can someone help me?? Thanks Alberto D.
I'm trying to get the filename of the deleted document using a behaviour, this is my function : public void onDeleteNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef, boolean arg1) { NodeRef nodeRef = childAssocRef.getChildRef(); String filename = (St...
Hi,I am downloading Spring boot backed Application from Following Location.And when i Start Application start it.But,When i Call from Angler context its give me error like "Must set 'realm' in config" .Please suggest the way to configure Activiti 7 ...
Hi there,I am struck while trying to pass a file from super process to sub process.I looked at the below example by Ciju, but I dont think the RelatedContentRepository which was autowired is available now in the latest version of APS.activiti-example...
Alfresco Public Folder add-on Key Features: (1) Make an Alfresco Folder publicly accessible via unique URL without any login requirement. Easy to share contents with guest users / external users with download only access. (2) Auto-expiry of public a...
Is it possible to show/add more, than 1 RSS Feed URL within the Blog-Posts Dashlet?
Within the document libary you only see the document name, the it possible to configure that and to add the author?
We have environment with Alfresco 4.2.3 with JDK 7 and Tomcat 7, with postgresql 9.3 running in production/Dev.We would like to upgrade database to use Amazon Aurora Postgresql 9.6 version with same APplication server & Alfresco 4.2.3 version, will i...
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