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Hot reloading workflow content files?

I have dabbled with Alfresco SDK for a couple of weeks now, and I've grown tired of the constant restart/reload/waiting between minor changes.I found JRebel and HotSwapAgent for hot-reloading and got both working I think, but neither of them actually...

henrikr by Confirmed Champ
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Alfresco Docker Installer

Generator to build Docker Compose templates to deploy Alfresco Community Source Code: NPM package:

Modify Alfresco URL

Dear All Alfresco Seniors,I'd like to know if I able to change/modify my Alfresco default URL into specific name.For example :http://my_ip:8080/share/page to http://my_company_name.comCan I do this or not?Thanks in advance.

How to Call a Repo Action from a Datatable

Hi Guys,Is there a way to call a custom Repo Action from an ADF component. I have a datatable that shows custom data for each data table row.  I have configured actions for each row in the table.  The action when clicked collects some form data (via ...

bgkoneill by Champ on-the-rise
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End Workflow

I have created custom workflow with 5 step.On 2nd step(it might be 3rd step or 4th step-base on some condition) I want to end workflow.Is there any way to do this?This workflow end is not from task form.It is from my java webscript or some where else...

error: alfresco.log (Permission denied)

On every restart of tomcat I get such an error printed twice:log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call alfresco.log (Permission denied) at Method) at

npavlov by Confirmed Champ
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Integracion de Jasper Reports en Alfresco

Buenas, Quisiera saber si alguien me podría ayudar con alguna guía o manual para realizar la integración de Jasper Reports en Alfresco community 5.0 para generar informesAtentos a su respuesta


ログイン画面を修正するために、以下のファイルを修正しました。tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/guest/login.get.html.ftlしかし、Alfrescoの再起動をしていなくとも、設定は翌日に反映されていました。設定を反映させるためには、Alfrescoの再起動、Web Scripts管理画面でリフレッシュの2つのどちらかを行う必要があると認識して...

komuaiiii by Champ in-the-making
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