can we change the state of the process
Hi Alfresco team, can we change the state of the process diagram from back-end tables. i need to skip some steps while completeing the process?
Hi Alfresco team, can we change the state of the process diagram from back-end tables. i need to skip some steps while completeing the process?
I would like to test Alfresco Community Edition and specially to export/import 10 sites (content, users, rules, personalized themes ...) into this version of Alfresco. Is it possible? How can i do to this? Thank you for your help.
Hi!I have a Java application made with Spring boot that receives a REST request and should connect to Alfresco, search a document for a metadata that is passed by parameter in the search. The application must return a link to the documents returned i...
How can i extend storage capacity on Linux based alfresco.
Dear experts,I need to deploy Alfresco Community 201707 GA in a new environment, but cannot update due to a lot of customizations.Target-Scenario: RedHat 7 and Tomcat 8.0My research did not come up with any results. Does anyone have experience runnin...
Hi,I am new on Alfresco community version 5.2 I need use Alfresco services (NodeService, ContentService, ServiceRegistry) inside class used for workflow service task.I created class but I cannot use Alfresco Services. All methods returns null. What I...
Hello,I have to enable TEXT search through all versions of a document and don't know if it's even possible.I'm sending a query like: "query: TEXT:some query text" and getting results only from last version of a document.If anyone have an idea how to ...
I installed on CentOS7. Followed the instructions and reread them many times but just can't manage to get SOLR search to work. At first the SOLR.LOG kept filling up with errors. Then I changed the setting to work without mutual TLS. Now, the solr.log...
I have two processes, that is, I have 2 bpmn diagrams(Ex: Leave.bpmn, Hiring.bpmn), I want each process to have its own database.
Where do I find the Alfresco Community Edition for Windows download? All of the links I find are broken.
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