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How to pass and display an array in the workflow's task?

Hello,After starting a workflow I populate ArrayList<String> in the TaskLsitener and i want to show its content in the workflow's tasks. How can i achieve that?Freemarker supports arrays so creating an ftl shouldn't be a problem.I can create variable...

upforsin by Star Collaborator
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Resolved! Alfresco Content Services - Enterprise - MacOS

Hello,Simple question, is it possible to install ACS Enterprise v5.2.5 in a macbook? I know for v6.1 I can use docker, but what about v5.2.5? I only found the .bin file for Windows and Linux.Thanks.

ebrenes by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! How to change Aikau footer?

HelloI've been following Pavel Makhov's tutorial on how to customize alfresco footer but it doesn't work. I'm on Alfresco 6.1.1. I copied faceted-search.get.js into  /my-project-share/src/main/resources/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/com/proj...

upforsin by Star Collaborator
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Resolved! How to pass multiple parameters to webscript

Hi,I am able to pass 2 arguments to get webscript using below code:<webscript><shortname>FileFolderService Test Sample Webscript</shortname><description>Uses the FileFolderService to create a folder and a file</description><url>/sample/filefolderserv...

Isha by Champ in-the-making
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Call Java WebScripts From JavaScript

I created a java backed webscript that return an object which I created :Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put("value", n); // n object has diffrent attributes.How can I call this object from javascript to use the attri...

Resolved! Set Tag on folder name (custom folder model)

Hi, i'm on Communty 6.2  for my office installation and i have set-up a main folder "Customers" in which there are N folders, one for each of these. I'm trying to make something like a "customer file" orgarnizzation.Each customer folder is auto-chang...

TheCondor by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! How to replace the favicon?

I tried using this thread but it didn't work out for me.Currently I would have tried to edit "header.get.html.ftl" in/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/header/but I am unsure of doing so.I saw "reso...

Clark_ by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Preview Resolution after upgrade to 6.2.0 has changed

Hello,i upgraded from 6.1.2 to 6.2.0. Im Using the helm Chart.With 6.2.0 the rednering of the image is made in the pod alfresco-imagemagick:2.1.1. But for some reason the resolution changed instead...

Renesto by Champ on-the-rise
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Running under SSL nginx with letsencrypt

Hi,I installed alfresco-esign-cert in version 6.1.1 of Alfresco. installation was successful!However, when signing the PDF it does not open.I changed in the alfresco.conf.ssl file the add_header para...

jbrasil by Confirmed Champ
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