Database Compatibility
Hello Community,Alfresco community version is compatible with which DB ?Thanks in advance...!
Hello Community,Alfresco community version is compatible with which DB ?Thanks in advance...!
Hi,I'm new the APS environment. Whenever I add a script task and add a simple script:def scriptVar = "test123"execution.setVariable("processId", scriptVar)I setup all the process variable, define groovy (or javascript), and still my process does alwa...
Hi Team,I have created custom datalist model using below code.<types> <type name="emp:employeeDetails"> <title>Employee Details</title> <parent>dl:dataListItem</parent> <properties> <property name="emp:empId"> <title>Employee ID<...
Hi,I am using alfresco cummunity edition version 6.2.I have been tring to retrive documents from document library by using http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/slingshot/doclib/doclist/node/site/site1/documentlibrary/this. but I am getting 401 erro...
Hello everybodyExcuse me if it is a dumb question but I'm new in this forum.I'm setting a Alfresco community server with Ubuntu 18.4 for testing and so far so good.I have a problem for inbound mail (outbound is fine). The inbound is working BUT only ...
Hello, I am trying to open an existing workflow item and get a HTTP 400 error, after analyzing weblink I see that there are backslashes in the link. I suggest there is something wrong in a config file, but i cannot find it.Thanks in advanceRemco Nowe...
Our Share users currently have a static large list of parameters that they need to manually re-input everytime documents needs to be searched.Is there any way of users individually saving and loading search/queries in Alfresco share?
Q1. I deployed according to this , other functions are normal, can only open pictures and PDF files, other can not open, log after a period of time will throw timeout error.And the sof...
HiIm using activiti 5.22 and i want to know how can i add an attachment to my mail task??Please help me!!Thanks for your time
Hi, In Share, we can, file by file, change custom metadata from content models in the "Edit properties" section.Is there a way of doing so in bulk ? So select multiple files and change the properties of all of them at the same time.Thanks
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