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Tech Talk Live - June 10 - (re)Indexing Large Repositories

Tech Talk Live - (Re)Indexing Large Repositories When upgrading to a new Alfresco version or after a bulk ingestion, SOLR sometimes requires to be indexed from scratch. Join this session to understand SOLR indexing process and to get some tips that c...

EddieMay by World-Class Innovator
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Can't access through 443 port running Apache

Hi guys, how is it going?Im having issues trying accessing Alfresco through HTTPS.I have it installed on Ubuntu 18.04.What I did was install Apache in front of Tomcat so requests goes through that.Im not sure what I have to configure so from LAN can ...

Martinvaz by Confirmed Champ
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Content model and convert types

Hello,i have this content model <type name="custom:A"> <title>A</title> <parent>cm:content</parent> </type> <type name="custom:B"> <title>B</title> <parent>cm:content</parent> </type> <type name="custom:C"> ...

Service Task Class Whitelisting

Hi,I was trying to whitelist the JavaScript classes to get more control over execution of JavaScript classes in the Script task but after enabling some required services to 'true' in properties file, I got following error:Access to Java class "

customise Dashboard issue

i want this dashlets to come in one line , so please help me with this.dashlets are not coming i n one line how can i fix it.


Customize activiti UI Task filter

Hi,We would like to have the Activiti page UI to add a additional search capability in the Task filter in order to search based on the process variable/Task Variable Value.So we would like to add some kind of filter .As the current filter provided by...

Arun_nmc by Champ on-the-rise
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Progetto Alfresco su Cloud Jelastic di Aruba

Buongiorno,sfruttando il servizio Aruba di Cloud Jelastic, ho generato un ambiente Alfresco community edition Community - 5.2.0 (r134428-b13)Ho riscontrato da subito che la ricerca di utenti, documenti, siti non funziona.Mi sono accorto che l'applica...


How to use ServiceTask to make REST call?

Hi !!I need help ASAPI want to implement ServiceTask using expression and variable that holds the URL. So if the variable changes, the URL changes and can be used in the ServiceTask to do the REST call.Can someone help me with examples, if possible?T...