Junit test
Hi,In APS I have created public custom rest api which which is used by ADF.I want to create junit test for that custom rest api?Anyone have idea how can I achieve?
Hi,In APS I have created public custom rest api which which is used by ADF.I want to create junit test for that custom rest api?Anyone have idea how can I achieve?
Hi all,I'm having some issues with Apache HTTP and Alfresco integration... hope sombody can help me.I'm developing a java web application to search documents. All this documents are stored in an Alfresco Community installation and the app accesses Al...
Hi Everyone,I'm using the Apache chemistry opencmis library to interact with Alfresco. To query documents there is a method called queryObjects, which takes in an OperationContext as an argument. On this context, I can set a boolean flag, called setL...
Hi,I have developed custom rest api in aps. I want to call that custom api from ADF.How can I call?
Hi,I am trying to create a document in alfresco with metadata. taking the file and metadata info from a json file.while creating noderef for that in webscript getting the below error,org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.datatype.TypeConversionExceptio...
I have create an angular component that will be used to register new users using the IdentityUserService. I have done all the basics, ie: injected the service in the constuctor of my component, added the all the dependant services to the appModule pr...
Hey. I want to change the .js file in the .jar file which is located in the modules / share folder. How should I do it?
Hi,I am building a small application using the ADF framework and it includes the Drag and Drop area component. This works fine when dragging in from the file system but the result varies when dragging an email in from outlook.The .msg file does corre...
Hi everyone ,Is it possible to create an user and assign it to a group in alfresco 5.2?thanks
Hi,I am currently trying to migrate our Alfresco 5.2 CE to Alfresco 6.2 CE, the mirgration requires a full solr reindex. During the reindex process the search service fails with a OOM exception, I have tried to adjust the memory settings, increase he...
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