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Forum Posts

Resolved! Alfresco 6.2 Effectivity aspect date only

Hi, In Alfreco 5, we can set a date and a timeIn Alfreco 6.2, we can not set the time.How can I configure the cm:effectivity aspect to set a datetime instead of a date ?I read the documentation, but didn't see where I can change an existing aspect pr...

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Creating Alfresco All-in-one Archetype maven project

Hello,I've been trying to create the alfresco all in one archetype project to create custom REST API using java and the version of alfresco been used is 5.1f I'am using the below link to add the remote catalog while creating the project. After creati...

Tabu by Champ in-the-making
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How get global attributes on side the alfresco share

I am recording settings using AttributeServece in alfresco repo. How can I get these settings on side the alfresco share?public class ConfigManager { @Autowired AttributeService attributeService; public void set(String key, String value) { ...

Send email notification when comment added to a document

Hi,I need to create email template to send a email notification to the author of a document, when a comment is added to that document.I need to include following properties to the template.1).   Comment2).   Person name who add the commentI have crea...

anuradha1 by Star Contributor
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