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ADF process diagram component - 401 Unauthorized error

We have implemented the adf-diagram component in our ADF v4.3 app. When trying to display the diagram for a running process instance we are getting a 401 - Unauthorized error. The logged in user is then immediately logged out. This is only occurring ...

markknaus by Confirmed Champ
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Resolved! Using bulk import

I have some questions regarding bulk import former colleague used this to import data. curl 'https://'${ALFRESCOHOST}'/alfresco/service/bulkfsimport/initiate...

fixer le nombre de caractère dans la case 'titre' d'un dossier

Bonjour,j'utilise alfresco 5.2 je voudrai  fixer le nombre de caractère à inserer dans la case titre d'un dossier  exemple:  nombre de caratere doit etre = 11inferieur à 11 / superieur à 11:   affiche une erreur:   inserer un numero correctsvp ce det...

samah by Champ on-the-rise
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Synchronization of Alfresco

I have installed 2 Dms at 2 different location X and Y on windows server . And currently i am using the dms at location X now my requirement is i want to sync X with Y so that if X fails due to any reason without wasting time we can  start working on...