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Forum Posts

My Tasks overview show only first name for "started by' field

Hi,I am trying also this forum since I am not sure if my problem is Activiti or Share related.I'm using Alfresco 6 and in My tasks list, there is only first name displayed for the person who started the worklfow (please see the screenshot below).I ac...

AJ_ by Champ on-the-rise
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Resolved! shared-file-store-volume, is it important?

I saw someone using it in the community edition, but the earlier versions and in the there is not an option to install it. Could someone explain what's the importance of the shared file store volu...

Resolved! Set the default password on deployment

Hi !I'm looking for a parameter, to set up the default "admin" password on an ACS Community deployment.Right now, I wait for the engine to start, and manually curl a new password: docker exec -it alfresco-1 curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/alfresco...

abricchi by Champ in-the-making
  • 2 replies
  • 1 kudos

Customizing Alfresco 7.4+

Good day All,Alfresco newbie here  I have installed and deployed Alfresco 7.4+ using docker but I would like to know how I can view the folders that have the alfresco images, so I can replace them with mine and also how I can customize the footer com...