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DocuSign Connector for Alfresco

Is capturing document signatures a critical part of your business processes? Are you finding yourself using your Alfresco investment to store document files only to then print those documents out for physical signatures? Are you lacking visibility in...

alfresco by Elite Collaborator
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Docusign for Alfresco

The Docusign for Alfresco Addon allows users to manage e-signature requests from Alfresco.  It integrates with Docusign to manage the signature proceess.  A user can request a signature from multiple signees and then keep track of the signature reque...

boneill by Star Contributor
  • 2 replies
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Not able to preview .ply files

I have an STL previewer which can preview the file with mime type "application/sla" in alfresco. So I want to render the file with the mime type "application/ply" as "application/sla". For this, I have created a rule on a folder with the following sc...

manav by Confirmed Champ
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problem with persons in uaer task

Hello.I have user task:<userTask id="assignperformertask" activiti:assignee="${}" activiti:formKey="mywf:assignmentPerformer"><extensionElements><activiti:taskListener event="create" class="ru.repo.workflow.planning.Start...

How to delete a record from a dictionary?

I have an invalid dictionary in Alfresco database, I need to delete some records from that dictionary. How to do that programmatically? Manually? Thank you! (this was custom dictionary which was filled up from the file programmatically, now it is one...