I want to change solr-config but i haven't any example. Can you help me ?
I want to change solr-config but i haven't any example. Can you help me ?
Hello,From ubuntu 20.04 with docker & docker-compose, I tried to launch docker-compose.yml through command, but it failed:root@dms:/home/ludo/Alfresco/acs-deployment/docker-compose# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up Traceback (most recent call ...
Hi.. is there any possibilities to change the site features privacy?For example, the calendar features inside the site. When creating event, everybody inside the site is able to view. Same goes with discussion.Is there any way to change the privacy o...
Greetings,I would like to enquire regarding site features in Alfresco (calendar, site notice etc)Is that possible to change the site features setting to private where only the respective users can view the content.Currently when creating details in c...
I am using alfresco community V6.2.User uploaded pdf shows blank (some pdf).For some pdf, first page show blank and other pages show properly.When I download or View In Browser then it shows properly.
I am bootstraping the custom group as below metioned code and It is able to bootstrap group on first time successfully but second on server restart It is getting failed saying that node is already exists.Please suggest, am I doing any wrong here.I am...
Hello, I have following error messages in the alfresco log. I tried to edit tomcat/conf/context.xml (<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000"/>), but the result is the same.How can I increase the cache?Thank you!28-Jul-2021 14:29:08.118...
I saw this earlier thread: was wondering if there's been any new advancements with Markdown in Alfresco. I was hoping to be able to view Markdown ...
Hello,I am getting the following error "Could not find importer for type" when deploying the process below via Activiti Explorer.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <definitions xmlns="
Hi,I'm trying to setup a Task Listener on my process on the event "TASK_CREATED" however i can't choose this option in the dropdown.Any idea why this event is missing? I found it in the Activiti documentation.Is there a workaround on how to implment ...
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