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2 regular error Messages in Solr

Hello,I am facing in the solr6 - Log with ACS 7.0.1 the errors from the log shown below.Can anybode help me with this? Where do this errors come from and how to solve them?Thank you very much.9/15/2021, 11:35:50 AMWARN true CommitTrackerRollback perf...

dsc1086 by Confirmed Champ
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connect to activemq

instead of creating a new bean with all the connection string, username and password, just wondering if there is a standard way to connect to activemq with spring framework in alfresco 6 module. maybe there is an existing bean that's already defined ...

Resolved! Alfresco community version 7 content integrity error

Bonjour j ai installé alfresco community version 7 en suivant la procedure d installation avec zip.Au démarrage tout se passe bien le site alfresco est accessible.Par contre les démarrages suivants ne fonctionnent pas et l'erreur suivante apparaît :C...

Diniz21 by Confirmed Champ
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Workflow email URL's defaulting to

I am running Alfresco community edition V7.1.0 in Docker containers running on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.Everything is working as it should except for workflow e-mails, which have the incorrect URL, they all start with  I am fairly new to ...

Resolved! Create a custom ftl in Alfresco SDK

Hello everybody.I want to create a custom ftl very parecido a selectone.ftl in Alfresco SDK all in one  4.1.  Where can I create this file? and what is the path that I should add in the template tag in share-config-custom?Currently, I managed to solv...

cfreitez by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Activiti random behaviour

I'm creating a process instance as suchrocessInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKeyAndTenantId(key, initialParameters, tenantId + (isTest ? TEST_TENANT_SUFFIX : PRODUCTION_TENANT_SUFFIX));which always returns a processInstance, but somet...