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Digital Signing

Please use GitHub issue tool to post issues.Digital SigningDeveloped by Emmanuel ROUXAlfresco Digital Signing pluginDigital sign documents with certificateSign PDF documentSign XML files in two modes : embedded or on dedicated XML fileSign all docume...

alfresco by Elite Collaborator
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Show My Site dashlet in Site Control Panel

Hi all,I'm triing to configure a corporate intranet, and I need to show the My Site dashlet in a site.Actually My Site dashlet is only available on user dashboard.I configured a site as landing page for all users, and I need to show the list of creat...

jonbj by Champ on-the-rise
  • 2 replies
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webpreview and transformation

Hi guys, I have a question about webpreview.Is it possible to transform documents pdf, xls, doc, ppt, csv..etc to pdf or html as webpreview?Is it possible to make the configuration, would it be possible to run the transformation of the rules using RE...

Released Alfresco Process Services SDK 1.6.2

Released Alfresco Process Services SDK 1.6.2 adding a dedicated Maven profile for building and deploying Activiti Admin App (activiti-admin) and resolved an issue preventing to build due to the Aspose dependencies that now should be taken directly fr...

openpj by Elite Collaborator
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Custom Role for Permission List in ACA

Hi Guys,The ACA permissions dialog (permission list component) shows a list of site Roles.  However, I cannot find any way to configure a custom Role in the available list for a user to select.  Is there a way to add custom roles from configuration?B...

boneill by Star Contributor
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REST API > link between nodes and processes

Hello,Thanks to the API I'm now able to list all the nodes and all the processes .. but I can't find any link between those 2 entities ..How could I find the processes associated with a given node ?How could I find the associated node of a given proc...

JC83 by Confirmed Champ
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Resolved! show only completed process

Hi,I'm able to get a process list .. but only with current oneshttp://serveur:8081/alfresco/api/-default-/public/workflow/versions/1/processes/?I would like to get only the completed processesIt seems that the "where" argument allows to do it but I c...

JC83 by Confirmed Champ
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Recommendation for BPM process definition version usage

Hello All,I do have a process definition which has various steps and interacts with many ecternal systems. Whats the best recommendation if I have to update the process with set of new changes and I know the old instances will still point to the old ...

SSO Bypass URL for APS 1.11

Hey there,   We're in the process of configuring Identity Services for ACS and APS. With SSO enabled in APS, it looks like all requests to:   https://<aps host>/activiti-app   are automatically routed through SSO. This is *fine* for normal users but ...

tarh33l_bf by Champ in-the-making
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