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Forum Posts

Desktop Sync with LDAP or external authentication

Hi, We are having alfresco 7.2 and planning to install sync service 3.8. We need to show the LDAP login page or SSO Login page while accessing alfresco url from Desktop sync client. Kindly let me know we need to install Identity service and redirect ...

logu_paps by Champ on-the-rise
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APS on Azure

Trying to get APS up and running on Azure.  Everything seems to be installed correctly but get a 503 error.  Think maybe an API endpoint is missing.  Does anyone have experience with this?  Don't see much about APS and Azure out there

Using webhooks to start a process in Process Services

I was wondering if there is a way of using a webhook to start a process in Process Services from an external app/system? I have a very simple process that starts, sends an email to alert me that it has started, and then ends. What I was hoping to ach...

zayed by Champ in-the-making
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Desktop Sync with LDAP

Hi, We are having alfresco 7.2 enterprise and planning to install desktop sync service. We need to show LDAP login popup while accessing the alfresco page in Desktop sync client. Kindly let me know where we need to place the configuration for enablin...

logu_paps by Champ on-the-rise
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Report a bug in metadata query ibatis file

There is a bug in sql fragments with id sql_select_byDynamicQuery defined in metadata-query-common-SqlMap.xml filetext highlighted should be  ${item.alias}.${item.fieldName} IS NULL  instead of ${item.alias}.${item.fieldName} IS NOT NULL

kaynezhang by World-Class Innovator
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