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LDAP sychronization stopper working

Few weeks ago server with Alfresco Community (5.2.0) stopped to sync users from AD. No new users are able to log in.I have rised verbosity and shorten full sync frequency (every 10 minutes). Now in logs I see: 2022-08-05 10:30:00,002 DEBUG [security...

CirrusMS by Champ in-the-making
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Cannot generate preview

Hello,We have a problem generating previews for big xlxs files. After requesting a preview via the share, it says after a minute or so, that it was unable to generate a preview. I think Libreoffice is still running in the alfresco-transform-core-aio ...

wybrand by Champ in-the-making
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How to delete groups - API Syntax

using below I am able to get all the list of groups.https://xxxxxxxxxx/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/groupsusing the below I am able to just get this in the postman,. how can I delete this grp called  "Alfresco_Ram_Test1803" (ID i...

KamalKiran by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Alfresoc SDK 4.4.0 Error

I have created new sdk 4.4.0 all-in-one project and running first time, It is giving error as below.2022-07-27 06:02:06.517 WARN (Thread-12) [ x:alfresco] o.a.s.c.Config XML parse warning in "solrres:/solrconfig.xml", line 1919, column 88: Include...

Resolved! Search API result gives empty entities

Hi there,I'm new to Alfresco development so please, bare  with me.I post the following body to the search api (using postman){ "query": { "language": "afts", "userQuery": null, "query": "+TYPE:\"cm:content\" AND content.mimetype:\"image/vnd.dw...

FrankyDee by Champ on-the-rise
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Format date to current time zone

Hello,Let's say I have a Java "Date" object. I would like to convert/format it  to the current time zone of my Alfresco service.How can  I achieve this ? I know Alfresco does it to display the date in formulary.For example, I have a date property set...

APS SDK 2.0.2 released

A new version of APS SDK is just released adding support for APS 2.1.0:

openpj by Elite Collaborator
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Multiple LDAP does not work in failover

Hello,First time posting here.I am using Alfresco 7.0 in dockerised environment. I have two LDAPs configured in authentication chain, just like this:authentication.chain=alfinst:alfrescoNtlm,ad2:ldap-ad,ad1:ldap-adSynchronisation and authentication w...

zlatko by Champ in-the-making
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Is Alfresco a good alternative to Hyland OnBase?

Hello All,I hope everyone is doing well and safe. I am writing this post to get your advice on whether Alfresco Community Edition will be a good alternative to the Hyland OnBase Document management system. The company I work for uses OnBase. It is re...

erzeek by Champ in-the-making
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