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Error handling in custom SDK5 EventHandler

What is the best practive to handle errors in a custom SDK5 out-of-process EventHandler? There are examples here it does not touch base on error handling. It seem...

zhihailiu by Champ on-the-rise
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Aikau page adding horizontal scroll bar

I have created sdk for development.I am creating new aikau page and it is adding horizontal scroll bar at bottom automatically.I have also checked with simple page which is already there in sdk and same issue I found.How can I remove that?

sp2 by Elite Collaborator
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Adding properties for the document

hi,I want to add a custom property to the Edit property like name, title in alfresco share 5.2. I have attached the photo for exactly where I want to add the custom property field for the document.Regards.I want to add the file path field below the ...

amar7295 by Champ on-the-rise
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Running the Share Container as a Non Root User

Hi all,I am currently working to spin up a customized version of ACS Enterprise 6.1.x on AWS EKS with AWS services. I have followed the instructions (leveraging the helm chart) and got things somewhat working. However, as part of my acceptance criter...

epiusogiji by Champ in-the-making
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Solr is creating directories in profile folders

Hi, I am using Alfresco version 4 in centos 7. Somehow I have found that it is (or maybe Solr) is creating the following directories in the home directory randomly in different profiles.archive-SpacesStore workspace-SpacesStore.How Solr is picking fo...

What HW resources are needed for 0.5T-1TB of data?

Hello,Is anyone running an Alfresco Community 7 with approximately 500G to 1TB of data and max 10 users?  What HW resources are approximately needed for such a deployment? Is it possible to keep the installation/architecture all-in-one (everything on...

miroslav by Star Contributor
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How to integrate Keycloak with Alfresco Community 7.2?

I have been trying to integrate the keycloak container with the Alfresco community 7.2 however the default alfresco community on docker-compose worked fine, when I added the keycloak container am not able to access the keycloak container and it keeps...

mahesh1b by Champ in-the-making
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