Licence Alfresco Enterprise
H´ello,There are a specific licence for develop in alfresco Enterprice?Thanks
H´ello,There are a specific licence for develop in alfresco Enterprice?Thanks
hello everybody,I am looking to restore the alfresco community 5.2 data in another windows pc, I made a backup of the postgres database with pg_admin and also with cmd(sql,tar,dump,bak), and I copied and pasted the alf_data folder. the problem is tha...
Hello,How can I install version 7.1.1? of Alfresco through docker.
Hello.How can I tell Java from Alfresco Docker 7.2 installation Java country, user and language settings.Adding to docker-compose.yml? It is like?Or Or via SED in Alfresco and Share's Dockerfile?Please guide me, which way ...
Hello ! I have a critical error for one of our managed platforms with some LDAP users synchronized to Alfresco.Here is the callstack : 13:02:07,027 INFO [] [DefaultScheduler_Worker-2] S...
Hi,I have a version 7.2 Alfresco ECM (community) in Docker with docker-compose in a VM (Ubuntu 22.04.1) with very good specs: 12 cpu cores and 128 GB RAM total. This is a default 7.2 installation done with Angel Borroy's tool and OpenJDK is the JVM. ...
Hello, I'm developing a custom audit file.But when the system informs: "No registered audit data extractor exists for ..."The application works correctly until you insert a custom extractor.I'm using SDK 4.3.Apparently it loads the audit xml before t...
Hii all,I have been working with auditing and have used custom-audit application as mention in docs but only changed pathmapping tag source only. Due to it audit entries has stopped entering my application also i change audit application name in glob...
Hello everyone,I am trying to consume the following api: /people/{personId}/activities, but the amount it brings me is only 200 which only corresponds to a single day, I would like to know if this amount can be extended either by increasing the size ...
Hi!On creation and even on deletion of any document I get a duplicate key exception in the postgresql-database:### Error updating database. Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key violatedUnique-Constraint „idx_alf_conturl_cr“2...
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