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APIs documentation or API Explorer for Alfresco 4.2

Parden me if not quite posting in the right spot. I'm new to Alfresco, hired to work in a Alfresco version 4.2 site. I"m looking for any information about APIs for this version of Alfresco. I look here:

Module browser - Not showing amps installed on ACS

Hi!I have noticed that when installing AMP-files on the repository and share, if I look at the Module browser within share Admin tools, it only shows share modules and not repo modules.When using the Alfresco-mmt tool to list all installed AMPs, they...

Einar by Champ on-the-rise
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Custom properties

Hi, I'm creating a routine in JavaScript, but accessing the values ​​of a property that I need. Create a document and put this property in it and enter a value, for example, create a property with called "issuedate2", and put a string value inside th...

Mazzaro by Champ in-the-making
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CMIS query return less result with broader parameters

Hello,We're currently facing a strange behavior in one of our search webscript.The user can fill some filter, and we will return a list of document based on those filter.For example:SpoilerSELECT * FROM fds:document AS D JOIN cmis:folder AS O ON D....

bromb by Champ in-the-making
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Load selector in Advsearch page with value of param in URL

Hello, I would like that when loading the advanced search page in the selector, it would put the selection that I wanted based on a parameter in the url, for example ../../advsearch?2 and that the selected option to load page is 2. Any clue how to do...

Jm by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! acs 7.1 JVM values

Using ACS 7.1.x enterprise edition. Alfresco Docs - Configure repository In above tune the JVM link, it only talks to set xmx and xms and explicitely mentions to not add any other configuration settings.I am using host with 60G memory and by default ...

VS by Confirmed Champ
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samba and ftp services do not work.

 I have alfresco 6.2 installed in docker in an ubuntu, I use this version because it is the only one that allows me the digital signature.I need to configure the alfresco users folder on the local machine and both samba and ftp do not work, I have en...

ohernandez by Champ in-the-making
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individual searches : system.acl.maxPermissionCheckEnabled

Using ACS 7.1, I have set following to increase list of my search results:system.acl.maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis=60000system.acl.maxPermissionChecks=20000In JMX i can see this property also and i dont seem to find any documentation on it. Is it to s...

VS by Confirmed Champ
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