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403 between Alfresco and SOLR

Hello,I've just upgraded from ACS 6.2 to ACS 7.2. In ACS 6.2, the communication between Alfresco and SOLR wasn't secured but with 7.2, the communication is secured with a secret in header of requests.In my configuration, I have an Apache Server befor...

azerty1234 by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! FTS Query with PATH wildcards

Hi all, I need to implement an afts query that find all the documents that have a PATH like this:/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:site1/xxxxx/…/MYCUSTOMFOLDERNAME/xxxxx”I already used these kind of query before using wildcards like this:TYPE:"cm:content...

prorobin by Champ on-the-rise
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Content Download Link with SSO

Hi,I have community edition 7.3, i'm trying to get a download link for the uploaded docs, I use keycloak for SSO Auth.I've tried with a simple download link in the form:http://alfrescoUrl/share/proxy/alfresco/slingshot/node/content/workspace/SpacesSt...

fraschi by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Security vulnerabilities in Alfresco Content Services 7.0

I'm attempting to privately communicate a number of security vulnerabilities I have found in the current version of Alfresco Content Services, I haven't checked the community edition but the vulnerabilities are likely to be present there too.Is there...

tmljack by Champ in-the-making
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I want to update

Hello,How to add/update assignees to a started WF (process) Hello, I am asking if it possible to change in the WF after it is started? I have a custom WF created with two sequatial assignees. As I know when we create the WF the two tasks for the two ...

Alfresco API Doucment Upload

Hi I am new to alfresco and not sure if I am looking in the right place but I'm not able to find a way to upload a local document to a folder in alfresco using Rest API calls. If you have done so before, I would appreciate the help!

eddiesmith by Champ in-the-making
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Vulnerability in Alfresco enteprise

Hi,I have found a vulnerability in Alfresco enterprise and want to do a responsible disclosure so that the team can access and fix the vulnerability. As I am not an Alfresco customer, the Hyland support team is not giving me access to Alfresco Commun...

swatcat91 by Champ in-the-making
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