03-23-2022 06:00 PM
I need to share and unshare the content in alfresco using Rest API,
I read the sharedLinks documentation but I don't know how to retrieve the document url I want to share. This endpoint return an object with this properties :
{ "entry": { "id": "string", "expiresAt": "2022-03-23T18:16:00.603Z", "nodeId": "string", "name": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "modifiedAt": "2022-03-23T18:16:00.603Z", "modifiedByUser": { "displayName": "string", "id": "string" }, "sharedByUser": { "displayName": "string", "id": "string" }, "content": { "mimeType": "string", "mimeTypeName": "string", "sizeInBytes": 0, "encoding": "string" }, "allowableOperations": [ "string" ], "allowableOperationsOnTarget": [ "string" ], "isFavorite": true, "properties": {}, "aspectNames": [ "string" ], "path": { "elements": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nodeType": "string", "aspectNames": [ "string" ] } ], "name": "string", "isComplete": true } } }
How can i retrieve the path from the response?
Is there another way to get the effective complete shared link for a document ?
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