01-19-2022 03:41 AM
I installed the Alfresco Content App follwing this guide: https://www.alfresco.com/abn/adf/docs/getting-started/
I have ACS 7.0 installed and running on localhost 8080 (installed with ZIP)
when I run my app using ng serve (npm start didn't work), I get this error: (I cannot login uising admin/admin)
I created an .env file in the root folder and set this variable:
PS: I can't find app.config.json anywhere in my app folder. However I find app.config.json.tpl which seems the same!!!
Where is the problem and how I may fix it please?
Thank you in advance
01-20-2022 05:26 AM
I fixed it.
Apparently the problem was because npm start didn't work for some reason, so the preinstall command didn't excuted
so I had to run it manually and it works!
mkdir -p ./app/.tmp && npm run assemble-app-config && npm run validate-app-config
ng serve
01-20-2022 05:26 AM
I fixed it.
Apparently the problem was because npm start didn't work for some reason, so the preinstall command didn't excuted
so I had to run it manually and it works!
mkdir -p ./app/.tmp && npm run assemble-app-config && npm run validate-app-config
ng serve
07-01-2022 04:03 PM
I just tried v2.11.0 and npm start failed for me, but the reason is displayed in the output:
error: /home/mav/dev/alfresco-content-app/app/.tmp/app.config.json: Unexpected token $ in JSON at position 346
Taking a look at the app/.tmp/app.config.json file shows two variables that didn't get substituted which leads to invalid json. These must be new requirements in a recent update.
... "plugins": { "aosPlugin": ${APP_CONFIG_PLUGIN_AOS}, "contentService": ${APP_CONFIG_PLUGIN_CONTENT_SERVICE} }, ...
After adding the missing variables to my .env npm start worked as expected. These
Hope this helps someone.
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