08-05-2022 01:01 PM
08-08-2022 05:20 PM
seems like duplicate thread from here:
Here are few things to check:
1- Make sure you have correct configs for example :
JAVA_OPTS: " -Dsolr.host=solr6 -Dsolr.port=8983 -Dsolr.http.connection.timeout=1000 -Dsolr.secureComms=secret -Dsolr.sharedSecret=secretpassword -Dsolr.base.url=/solr -Dindex.subsystem.name=solr6 "
2- Make sure solr.host value matches to the solr6 service in your docker compose file:
solr6: image: alfresco/alfresco-search-services:2.0.3
3- Make sure solr6 service is up and running, run below command and see if solr6 container exited for some reason:
docker ps -a
4- Make sure you have enough memory availble to run all services. Minimum 12GB memory is needed to run all services
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