03-06-2018 09:25 AM
i have installed alfresco, i can log in by using "share", it works fine :
Now when i use ADF an error is thrown :
proxy.conf.js :
login.components is updated for ECM :
Thank you in advance.
03-06-2018 09:57 AM
Hi, which version of alfresco content version do you have?
03-06-2018 10:40 AM
i have installed alfresco-community-installer-201707-win-x64 that contains
- Alfresco Platform: 5.2.g and Alfresco Share: 5.2.f (README.txt)
03-07-2018 11:22 AM
The configurations seem to be right. Can you show me what you have in the settings?
You can find it if you press the gear button on the top right of your page
03-09-2018 12:10 PM
Of course !
the settings :
I also install alfresco-content-app and it works fine :
I have just updated proxy.conf.js :
Very strange ....
03-10-2018 05:05 AM
How do you start the app?
03-12-2018 04:46 AM
i start ADF app with "npm start" :
and for alfresco, i use manager-windows exe :
03-12-2018 09:31 AM
can I see in your pacakge.json what npm start does?
03-12-2018 09:41 AM
This is it :
03-13-2018 07:46 AM
can you please modify the ng serve part like that and retry?
ng serve --host --proxy-config proxy.conf.js --app dist --open --aot=false
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