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add a new content type in alfresco as extension example

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Can anyone please share the project which is having an custom model and custom datatype define in it and after building that project we can use that jar which will we add as new custom content type extension to the existing  custom content types.
we need jar of custom data type which we will as part of alfresco image and that custom type will be register in alfresco at time installation of alfresco image itself 

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

I am afraid I didn't get what exactly what you need.

If you want to learn how to create such project, then I recommend you to read this tutorial

Working With Custom Content Types in Alfresco | ECMArchitect | Alfresco Developer Tutorials 

Now, if you just want to have a sample project to check the source code, then you can use the project used in the previous tutorial, available on github, at alfresco-developer-series/content at master · jpotts/alfresco-developer-series · GitHub