03-08-2017 01:12 PM
I can't connect Activiti Explorer with MySQL, I already configured the db.properties file, but it doesn't make a successful connection. Same place the mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar connector in the lib folder, but I could not connect. db.properties db = activiti jdbc.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/activiti jdbc.username = root jdbc.password = 1234 Does anyone know the reason why they can't connect?
03-09-2017 03:48 AM
03-09-2017 04:05 AM
If you haven't done yet, you have to create the Activiti tables inside your MySQL database named "activiti", the queries to do that are included inside the download of Activiti from the website, in the folder database/create. Inside the folder the files that you need are activiti.mysql.create.engine.sql, activiti.mysql.create.history.sql, activiti.mysql.create.identity.sql. If you are using MySQL 5.5, then you have to use activiti.mysql55.create.engine.sql, activiti.mysql55.create.history.sql and the last one is the same as before (activiti.mysql.create.identity.sql).
The settings and driver that you are using should to be correct.
Hope this helps.
03-09-2017 04:31 AM
Hi Ricardo,
Did you set the hibernate dialect ?
Also, one other issue I have seen in the past is needing to disable SSL on the connection
Hope this helps
03-09-2017 09:04 AM
Can you confirm that you are using same jar which needs to compatible with My sql database.
03-09-2017 09:17 AM
Hi A H
I am running MySQL 5.7.17 and using the JAR mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar. All works ok for me.
I've had another thought. I'm running on Linux (Fedora 25). After installing MySQL you need to run /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
On my first attempt, i forgot to do this and the root user was not allowed to connect (even from localhost).
12-04-2019 02:09 PM
Hi pedwards99,
Not opening activiti-app
Something is wrong with this page ...
We may have encountered an error, or maybe something has been removed or deleted, so check to see if the URL is correct.
It is also possible that you do not have permission to view the page (it may be part of a private site) or that an internal error has occurred. Contact your IT staff.
If you are trying to access the home page and it is no longer available, change it by clicking its name on the toolbar.
See error in catalina.out
2019-12-04 17:03:25,404 ERROR [alfresco.web.site] [http-nio-8080-exec-31] javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name 'activiti-app' in servlet with name 'Spring Surf Dispatcher Servlet'
What can it be?
Thanks a lot!
Zé Brasil
04-16-2017 08:10 PM
Hi, guys!
I trying to use activiti-explorer-5.22.0 with mysql 5.7.18 and lib mysql-connector-java-5.1.41.jar under windows 7.
When i start o tomcat all tables are created, i can make a login and use some features but, when i click model workspace its doesn't work. Alfresco Activiti open but i can't see bpmn components.
When i use it on postgree i don't have problems.
Please , Could someone help me?
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