03-22-2018 09:13 AM
I am planning to run Activiti in a clustered environment. If I update a BPM model in one of the Activiti instance, would it reflect immediately on the 2nd instance? My worry is that the 2nd instance of Activiti might just continue to use the cached process model unaware of the changes in the model made on the 1st Activiti instance
03-22-2018 12:22 PM
I guess you're specifically thinking about making changes to a process definition and not about deploying a new version. Deploying a new version should be fine as that's effectively a new definition. Presumably what you're concerned about is the caching on process definitions - Activiti User Guide It might make sense to set the cache size as low as possible (which I think might be 1 as zero looks like it would be interpreted as unlimited Activiti/ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl.java at ac55f68fae3d3518313eda7fa992293b41ff8e6e · Activiti/... ) or plugging in your own cache implementation (there's an example in Activiti/CustomDeploymentCache.java at 126e89911d49c6ec0ab3f222baeea2a256e24c0d · Activiti/Activiti ... ) if you're planning on making dynamic changes in a clustered environment. If so it would be good to hear more about your use-case and why you expect to need this.
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