07-30-2020 01:01 AM
Hi all.
I'm getting desperate to get 6.2 up and running.
The structure is awkward to me and I don't have the time besides my job to learn a completely new environment. Also Docker makes no sense for me since I work on VMs.
Question: Can I upgrade from 5.2 to 6.x without Docker?
Besides the standard functionalities, I need Records Management and REST.
Is it true that the workflow functions of 5.2 don't work in 6.2 anymore?
Frustrated, Sascha
07-30-2020 02:21 AM
I found the description.
Will try my self.
Thank you.
07-30-2020 02:22 AM
If you have a running 5.2 environment, you can upgrade to 6.2 using the same infrastructure and artifacts.
REST is a standard functionality, while you need to install Records Management from https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-blog/alfresco-governance-services-3-0/ba-p/288...
Workflows (simple and complex) work in 6.2 in the same way they did in 5.2
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