02-17-2012 08:59 AM
hello, i can't find the module "nuxeo web mobile" in the nuxeo market place as described in http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/CONNECT/Nuxeo+Web+Mobile
02-17-2012 09:14 AM
Is this what you're looking for >> Nuxeo Maven Repository - org.nuxeo.ecm.mobile?
02-17-2012 09:14 AM
Is this what you're looking for >> Nuxeo Maven Repository - org.nuxeo.ecm.mobile?
02-17-2012 11:01 AM
ok thank you
02-17-2012 09:51 AM
You are right, my fault.
I created documentations and market place package in the same time to not forget to do it. But the market place package is in test.
I hope to expose it soon. Waiting that you can build your self the package and test it if you have some development skills;
Mea culpa.
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