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Nuxeo drive option to get a feedback of a successful live-edit.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Is it possible to add an option in Nuxeo Drive to inform the user of a successful update when saving a document under live-edit?

Live-edit transparently download the document for the user to edit.

A watchdog automatically upload the document when a save is detected.

If the upload fails, the user may be not aware of it; If he tries to edit the document again with live-edit the local modification will be lost. To avoid that i propose that the watchdog systematically shows a message on a successful update. The absence of such a message will warn the user of a potentiel data loss.

I have some users who lost the synchronization because of a failed autoupdate and never noticing it until they reedited some document and realized they lost their modifications.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hello François,

You request has been taken into account and it will be effective starting with Drive beta 3.0.4 (NXDRIVE-1072).