03-03-2015 05:17 AM
The FAQ doesn't contain a statement on which languages are allowed and recommended for posting questions on answers.nuxeo.com. An answer here and/or an update of the FAQ (didn't find an issue tracker for answers.nuxeo.com) would be appreciated.
03-03-2015 05:22 AM
As far as I know questions can be asked in French and English
03-03-2015 05:23 AM
Can you provide a reference, please?
03-03-2015 05:25 AM
I've been working with Nuxeo for over a year, and have seen questions answered in both English and French. (When buying support these are also the two official languages in which you can ask questions)
03-03-2015 06:02 AM
03-03-2015 10:28 AM
English is the required language for posting questions on answers.nuxeo.com.
Since there are French speakers at Nuxeo, we also sometimes answer public questions in French but this is really not recommended because not helpful for web search and will exclude part of the user community.
@bauke-roo: Indeed, English and French are both allowed on the customer support.
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