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How to purge NuxeoDrive synchronization root in server side ?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I've used Drive on a folder and everything works fine.

  • Server FT9.3 on Ubuntu server
  • Nuxeo-drive-1.7.2 Server
  • NuxeoDrive Client 2.4.7 on Ubuntu 16.04

But another user changed the name of the folder, then I unsychronized, client side. But server side, I've got plenty of logs :

2018-02-19 03:48:39,991 ERROR [http-nio-] [] org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoException: Failed to invoke operation: NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization, Failed to invoke operation NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization, Document '1 - Administratif' (8f25d85b-8f66-48ab-a88d-9f3496a41918) is not a suitable synchronization root as it is either a readonly proxy or an archived version.

org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoException: Failed to invoke operation: NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization, Failed to invoke operation NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization, Document '1 - Administratif' (8f25d85b-8f66-48ab-a88d-9f3496a41918) is not a suitable synchronization root as it is either a readonly proxy or an archived version.

	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor258.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

How can I purge the synchronization Root server side ? I see these roots In my personnal settings / Nuxeo Drive - and I can't delete them, the button doesn't effect.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor


It seems the root sync has been archived. You can delete sync roots in the "Nuxeo Drive" settings.

And locally, you can follow these steps to unsync. If it does not work, make a copy of the sync folder (let's say $HOME/Nuxeo Drive folder) and delete the folder $HOME/.nuxeo-drive. It will remove all accounts and their sync database (of course, Drive must be stopped before any action).

Warning: you will loose everything, so make sure to have a copy for important data.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hello, Thanks a lot answering me. In fact the problem seems harder. Server side : You're right, the root sync has been archived, but the folders doesn't exists anymore. Thats why :

  • in the logs you can see ERROR : Failed to invoke operation NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization,
  • in the "Nuxeo Drive" Settings, the icon to delete sync roots doesn't effect.

Client side : Everything is unsync, the folder is empty. I've closed So, actually, I'd like to purge the root sync server side. The destination doesn't exists anymore (the name has changed, and then deleted). The icons doesn't effects.

Can you navigate manually to the sync root and uncheck the sync icon?

I can't, the folders doesn't exists anymore. (I've add the screenshot "User settings")