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Forum Posts

Bulk Import and dc:modified

Hi, I successfully use the bulk import of documents with their metadata (dublincore, versionning and primaryType) stored in a separated ".properties" file. I have just one problem with the "dc:modified" property. Indeed, Nuxeo will use the date of th...

zyx974_ by Confirmed Champ
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can Bulk document importer conserve audit informations

I tested the export/import a folder, I saw that the 'document.xml' files contains tags <dc:created> <! [CDATA [2013-03-29T11: 12:00.14 Z]]> </ dc: created> <dc:created> <! [CDATA [2013-03-29T11: 12:00.14 Z]]> </ dc: created> but when you import th...

nuxeo6 and vlan

We installed Nuxeo 6 in vlan infrastructure : vlan bdd for databases, vlan appli for nuxeo 6, vlan web for reverse proxy. We see connection pool management problems between nuxeo 6 and databases. In a test infrastructure without vlan, there are no pr...

SAP integration with Nuxeo Content Server

I am looking for documentation for SAP integration with Nuxeo content server. The scenario is that we need to store PDF documents generated in SAP ECC on a content server. My client has ECC and Nuxeo. I need to link the two. MuleSoft? SAP PI? A...

David_Ng by Champ in-the-making
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