03-18-2021 06:03 AM
I am using activiti explorer to create and edit process model diagram but need to know where this diagrams are stored by activiti-explorer ? which activiti database table stores bpmn info and in which format ?
Thanks for any guidance
03-18-2021 10:21 PM
the process deifinitions are stored in ACT_RE_PROCDEF table in the form of XML binaries blob.
03-18-2021 11:00 PM
I can see 'act_re_procdef' table in mysql activiti database but i can not see any column which contains BLOB xml file
can you tell me which column stores that xml file ?
03-19-2021 06:04 AM
Get the resource_name from the ACT_RE_PROCINST table and search it in ACT_GE_BYTEARRAY. the BYTES_ column contains the data.
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