01-25-2018 09:35 PM
while creating a process instacne using runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByID(processDefinitionID,processVariableMap) where one of the variable in the map is like below
"taskTitle":"Fund Manager Review",
"FundName":"BlueChip Fund"
I am getting an error like "could not find a variable type to serialize above object"
01-30-2018 09:56 AM
I resolved this issue by adding a Custom Variable type to the processEngine. In my case It is of JsonType.
Thank you for your inputs.
01-26-2018 06:52 AM
Does the class that you pass implement java.io.Serializable interface?
Activiti/DefaultVariableTypes.java at 5.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub
Activiti/SerializableType.java at 5.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub
01-26-2018 08:06 AM
Thanks for your reply.
Yes... It does implement Serializable.
The other interesting thing is, when i make a REST call with the same payload.. I am able to initiate the process.
but when I use the Java method(runtimeService.startProcessInstanceById()), I am facing the above issue.
Please let me know if you need further info.
01-28-2018 07:26 AM
Please share the code that is generating the value of the variable.
Also, please tell me the version of Activiti Engine you are using.
01-30-2018 02:48 AM
daisuke-yoshimoto _ I am using 5.22.0 version of Activiti Community Version.
My Variable is something like this,
My sample variable looks like this,
"taskName": "TestTask",
"taskPriority": "34"
01-30-2018 09:56 AM
I resolved this issue by adding a Custom Variable type to the processEngine. In my case It is of JsonType.
Thank you for your inputs.
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