09-04-2023 04:08 PM
I've created a BPMN with a first task defined like below
<userTask id="write-eb" name="Write EB" activiti:assignee="${bpm_assignee.properties.userName}"
activiti:candidateGroups="GROUP_AAA" />
I've started workflow with assignee = aaa-001 which belongs to group 'AAA' then released this task with API
=> Task appears correctly in Alfresco Share (view My Tasks) for each user which belongs to group AAA
Then, if i try to see user tasks from API like below, only process initiator 'aaa-002' can retrieve this task using API (with his credentials) operation GET http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/workflow/versions/1/tasks
Is there any way to retrieve this same released task by other users from group 'AAA' using API?
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