06-07-2017 10:41 AM
Is it possible to retrieve the URLS for all files stored in a folder at once within an Alfresco document library? Using Internet Explorer, I can right-click an individual file icon and select Copy shortcut, but this method returns only a single URL. I am interested in obtaining all file URLs in a batch. Thank you. -Howard Fulmer
06-07-2017 12:16 PM
A possible solution could be "Node Browser":
1.- In your Alfresco you have to obtain the idFolder in you'll obtains url's of the documents (properties of the folder. Por example: "2a9c2dfe-eeb0-481a-9c68-d4c214abdeb2")
2.- In your Alfresco, click on Node Browser and write the following fts-alfresco query:
SELECT cmis:name FROM cmis:document WHERE IN_FOLDER('idFolder')
3.- If the query is ok, you'll obtain a list of documents in that folder
4.- You can copy the NodeRef of each document and the url of this document will see similar to this:
For example:
06-07-2017 01:39 PM
Where do I click "Node Browser" in your step 2? I don't see it in my Alfresco document library screen. Thanks.
06-07-2017 01:48 PM
06-07-2017 02:21 PM
I don't see the Admin Tools. Could you perhaps show a screenshot?
Here is what I see at the top of my screen:
I am an Alfresco site manager, but not an administrator (?). Are the Admin Tools not available to me?
06-07-2017 02:50 PM
Yes, the Admin Tools is only enabled for administrators.
And besides that, I see you are using a customized application, so you should also be checking if the customization has not removed the action at all.
06-07-2017 03:36 PM
I will contact our site administrator. Thanks for the help! -Howard
06-08-2017 10:10 AM
Hey Howard - Can you come back and let us know if this was resolved? Thanks!
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