08-25-2021 06:42 PM
hello im new to alfresco
iv created a custom model and the propeties that i need and now im trying to upload files to alfresco which i cant do manually consedreing the big amount of files
i have an excel file that contains all the metadata and the path of the existing files on my computer
iv searshed on how to use an api to do so but coudnt find the right one
can u please help me ?
08-31-2021 12:43 PM
If you looking to deploy content model (its not clear whether you have already deployed), look for these posts and docs for details:
To upload the files in bulk, you can use bulk import tools or write your own custom file upload script:
1- https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-hub/bulk-importer/ba-p/289507
2- https://github.com/pmonks/alfresco-bulk-import#readme
3- https://github.com/abhinavmishra14/alfresco-share-import-export
FOR ACS6 onwards/SDK4.1: https://github.com/abhinavmishra14/alfresco-share-import-export/tree/sdk4.1
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