05-10-2018 07:21 AM
Hi ,
I want to trigger the rule when document is in user task after completion of task need to calculating charges based on action taken in task.
Like suppose consider in organization there are 2 person who will charge the fee depending on no of days they taken to complete process.Depending on that days need to charge fee here it's required to fee chart need to changeable for every one month/depending on there business.
Can we use BRMS or Drools here in user task for calculating that ??
Or suggest me any other way of doing this one??
05-10-2018 08:19 AM
I think you can update property of the document on completion of the workflow task using listener and can configure a custom rule based on items updated.
so whenever user will complete task at that time property of the document will be updated and then rule would be triggered.
I hope this will be helpful.
05-10-2018 08:38 AM
if having more than 10-15 criteria's in consideration of those fee charts.Now my doubt is how we will maintain fee chart to map with rules fee for example document correction from Asst.Manager: 200 , manager:500.
fresh copy document from Asst.Manager: 500 , manager:750.
in some cases multiple fields parameters are there.
Can we use excel for calculations??
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