01-24-2024 03:01 AM
I am running Alfresco Share v23.1.1.1 on a k3s server.
I have set all the date/time settings for my local +2 timezone, and shows ok on the k3s environment and inside alfresco. All the documents created and modified dates/times are correct and show local time.
my issue is when my rule triggers an email send using the notify_user_email.html.ftl template.
in there there is this date call -> ${date?datetime?string.full}
01-25-2024 02:32 AM
You may try using a FreeMarker approach, as documented in:
01-25-2024 02:32 AM
You may try using a FreeMarker approach, as documented in:
01-25-2024 04:28 AM
thank you for your answer, it was helpfull.
i ended up inserting
<#setting time_zone="Europe/Athens">
and then playing with the
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