02-20-2018 04:29 AM
Steps Followed:
1. Deployed activiti independently using war in tomcat connecting to common mysql database(Here Common means Independent deployed activiti app and spring activiti using same database with same credentials)
2. Designed process using activiti app and exported it for spring
3. Copied process file to spring processes directory.
4.Started imported process from spring boot code
After starting this process using spring boot, I am not able to see that process status in activiti-app(deployed independently in tomcat)
I have pointed out both the deployment to same database(same credential,same db) and they are updating same tables. However, process created in spring is not reflecting in activiti-app(deployed in tomcat).
Please help me to configure for above scenario.
Activiti: 6.0.0
02-20-2018 06:45 AM
Do you mean that the processes created from the UI can be seen in the spring app running the engine but the processes started from the spring app can't be seen in the UI? Or the processes started in each can't be seen in the other? From which side are you deploying the process definition? If you are deploying the process definition from both sides (note that if you include the xml in the src/main/resources/processes directory of a spring-boot app then it is auto-deployed) then you could be starting instances of different versions of the same process. To get to the bottom of it you could do something in the spring app to log all the instances and which definitions they belong to and which versions of the definitions. Something like blueprint-trending-topic-campaigns/EnglishCampaign.java at develop · Activiti/blueprint-trending-top... but you would also want the commented code there and to go to the definition of the instance to get the version.
02-20-2018 07:46 AM
I changed my question as per your reply. Please look into it.
02-20-2018 07:53 AM
Thanks for the update. Do you need to do the deployment of the process definition to be done from the spring application? Could you do that from the kickstart app's UI instead? I am thinking that the difference might be because the kickstart app has additional concepts which the spring app does not know about.
02-20-2018 07:57 AM
Actually I would like use activiti in spring only, because it is a part of large project. But it would be good if we can have kind of UI to monitor those process created by ACtiviti.
02-20-2018 08:20 AM
Something else to check is whether the two are really running the same engine. They may be using the same tables but there is a process engine name attribute in the ProcessEngineConfiguration that could mean they are logically distinct.
If you're after monitoring and admin functions then you might be better off trying to point the admin app (Activiti/modules/activiti-admin at 6.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub ) at that database.
You could of course add the REST module to your spring boot app and build what UI functions you need on that API. But I guess you want to avoid that effort.
It seems the v5 explorer UI has been used in the way you're thinking of but I'm not sure if anyone has done this with v6 yet.
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