06-30-2017 09:16 PM
I am currently using cmis to communicate to alfresco,and i want to create folders with cmis but i don't like those folders to inherite permissions so how can i do that with cmis?
By the way my app is written in java.
Thank you in advance
07-01-2017 05:57 AM
As far I know, CMIS provides a very basic management of Alfresco permissions (cmis:read and cmis:write). But surely, you can set up a content rule that may be triggered from CMIS for disabling inheritance in case of folder creation.
07-01-2017 06:08 AM
ok do you have an idea how to do that with the alfresco api ?
07-01-2017 06:51 AM
Yes, first create a content rule in rootPath folder of your application in the repository. This rule will apply over all content created of type Folder (recursively) and runs a JS-API script placed in /Data Dictionary/Scripts. The script should do something like this:
setInheritsPermissions | Alfresco Documentation
And then you should create CMIS folders in the way you are doing.
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