06-04-2019 05:51 AM
I need to establish a LDAP authentification but when I want my AD groups, i don't recover them but for users it's OK.
I think my problem is the space in my line, see it :
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=OU=Groupes d'accès,OU=RAPIDO,OU=CCAR,OU=RAPIDO_VDL, DC=rapido53,DC=com
How can I replace this space ?
Thank a lot
06-05-2019 03:14 AM
Escape the space with a backslash?
06-05-2019 04:32 AM
Yes i tried :
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=OU=Groupes \d'accès,OU=RAPIDO,OU=CCAR,OU=RAPIDO_VDL, DC=rapido53,DC=com
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=OU=Groupes\d'accès,OU=RAPIDO,OU=CCAR,OU=RAPIDO_VDL, DC=rapido53,DC=com
06-05-2019 06:13 AM
escape character is a prefix notation. ' ' should be used as '\ '
06-05-2019 06:21 AM
So OU=Groupes\d'accès is good ?
did my ' un d'accès can be a problem too ?
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