12-25-2023 09:43 PM
We are using below environment for Alfresco Community 7.3.1
While using - alfresco-search-services 2.0.6 we are getting below error and solr failed to start
Error binding ShutdownMonitor to port 8983: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: NET_Bind
I checked solr already not started or consumed port, another user already using solr with default port 8983, so we changed our solr6 port with 9983.
but it is somewhere still reflecting port 8983.
Below are the files/location we changed custom port:
1) solr.in.cmd
2) alfresco-global.properties
3) solr-core.properties
These are the files, let me know where can I change my default port to some custom port to make solr work?
[ solr should start/stop with custom port properly]
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