01-05-2022 06:02 AM
Hi all,
I'm triing to configure a corporate intranet, and I need to show the My Site dashlet in a site.
Actually My Site dashlet is only available on user dashboard.
I configured a site as landing page for all users, and I need to show the list of created sites.
Env: alfresco Share 7.1 (Bitnami install).
01-10-2022 04:18 PM
So the current behavior you see is expected as it makes sense to see the dashlet for the respective user (as it is from user-dashlet family) and it is meant to be.
If i underatand correctly, you have one site where all users will land by default after login, and you want to show the list of all sites as a site dashlet??
If yes, then i would suggest you to develop a custom site dashlet and pull the list of available sites via REST api and paint the dashlet from the response.
You can take reference from this existing dashlet to create the custom site dashlet of "site-dashlet" family.
Source can be found here: https://github.com/Alfresco/share/tree/master/share/src/main/resources/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/...
Refer this documentation for more details: https://docs.alfresco.com/content-services/6.1/develop/share-ext-points/surf-dashlets/
01-17-2022 03:13 AM
Thanks Abhinav,
I copied/paste the my-site dashlet, renamed as "site-menu", and changed the family tag as <family>user-dashlet</family>.
It worked well.
Thanks for support.
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