06-17-2020 02:47 AM
I have property as List of values in external CSV file. There is a key;value map.
I have java class which read this csv and send it to my list property.
In Frontend (Alfresco share) I display this property in table grids where I edit file: documentlist-view-table.js and show "value1" by call rest api.
YAHOO.Bubbling .fire( "registerRenderer", { propertyName : "suez:spolecnost", renderer : function datum_renderer(record, label) { var jsNode = record.jsNode, properties = jsNode.properties; var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var finalValue = properties['suez:spolecnost']; if (finalValue == null || finalValue == "") { return null; } var label = ""; Alfresco.util.Ajax .jsonRequest({ method : "GET", url : Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "/suez/rest/v1/listofvalues?type=spolecnost&value=" + finalValue, successCallback : { fn : function dlA_onActionDetails_refreshSuccess( response) { document.getElementById("spolecnost" + timestamp).innerHTML = response.json.label; }, scope : this } }); return '<div id="spolecnost' + timestamp + '" style="text-align: center">' + finalValue + '</div>'; } });
Now I need this grid table at the aikau faceted-search.get.js Is there any way how i can call my webscript and display value?
{ name: 'alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/Cell', config: { additionalCssClasses: 'mediumpad', widgets: [ { name: 'alfresco/renderers/Property', config: { propertyToRender: 'node.properties.xx:spolecnost' } } ] } },
06-17-2020 12:09 PM
Hi @wity,
I presume you have seen the custom list tutorial? Is there anything there that might help? There's also this data list example.
06-17-2020 12:09 PM
Hi @wity,
I presume you have seen the custom list tutorial? Is there anything there that might help? There's also this data list example.
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