07-15-2020 03:06 AM
I'm having trouble setting one of my custom properties to read-only in the content app.
Based on this: https://www.alfresco.com/abn/adf/docs/content-services/components/content-metadata-card.component/#m...
I added the property to the config file:
"content-metadata": { "presets": { "custom": [ { "includeAll": true, "readOnlyProperties": ["uiVMb:orgaUnit"], "exclude": [ "rn:renditioned", "cm:versionable", "cm:auditable", "cm:thumbnailModification", "cm:content", "cm:author", "cm:titled", "cm:generalclassifiable", "cm:taggable", "dp:restrictable", "fm:commentsRollup", "qshare:shared", "exif:exif", "cm:effectivity", "cm:emailed", "cm:likesRatingSchemeRollups", "cm:lockable", "cm:ownable" ] }, { "title": "APP.CONTENT_METADATA.EXIF_GROUP_TITLE", "items": [ { "aspect": "exif:exif", "properties": [ "exif:pixelXDimension", "exif:pixelYDimension", "exif:dateTimeOriginal",
I didn’t change anything in the metadata-tab component:
template: ` <adf-content-metadata-card [readOnly]="!canUpdateNode" [preset]="'custom'" [node]="node" [displayAspect]="displayAspect$ | async" > </adf-content-metadata-card>
And yet, this property can be edited. What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards,
07-15-2020 03:12 AM
Please note that the content app stores the metadata settings in the "content-metadata-presets" section of the "app.extensions.json", not "app.config.json" file.
07-15-2020 07:35 AM
Hi dvuika,
Thanks for your quick reply. I tried the app.extensions.json file
"content-metadata-presets": [ { "id": "app.content.metadata.custom", "custom": [ { "id": "app.content.metadata.customSetting", "includeAll": true, "readOnlyProperties": ["uiVMb:orgaUnit"], "exclude": [ "rn:renditioned", "cm:versionable", "cm:auditable", "cm:thumbnailModification", "cm:content", "cm:author", "cm:titled", "cm:generalclassifiable", "cm:taggable",
and it didn’t work as well. I’m using ADF 3.9.0, ACS Any further suggestions?
08-11-2022 10:41 AM
I have the same problem with ACA latest version.
Please help with an advice.
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