07-29-2020 08:32 AM
I am currently trying to migrate our Alfresco 5.2 CE to Alfresco 6.2 CE, the mirgration requires a full solr reindex. During the reindex process the search service fails with a OOM exception, I have tried to adjust the memory settings, increase heap space, but still it fails, just takes a little more time before it fails.
According to this issue https://github.com/Alfresco/SearchServices/issues/233 this could be related to the use of secondary assocs on folders which we use. Is there anything we can do as a workaround ? Any idea of when this issue will be fixed ?
The following versions is used, running in a AWS EKS environment
08-18-2020 03:20 AM
@mathiasen Search Services 1.4.3 is out!
More information available in https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-blog/search-services-1-4-3-release/ba-p/301127
07-29-2020 08:55 AM
Can you perform a test disabling the CascadeTracker?
We're currently investigating a problem related with this feature.
07-30-2020 05:33 AM
Setting alfresco.cascade.tracker.enabled=false solves the problem, no memory issues.
Any idea of a time frame for a fix ?
08-05-2020 08:38 AM
Thanks for testing that.
We'll release 1.4.3 version with the patch in the next days.
08-18-2020 03:20 AM
@mathiasen Search Services 1.4.3 is out!
More information available in https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-blog/search-services-1-4-3-release/ba-p/301127
08-18-2020 09:40 AM
@angelborroy have just performed a full re-index of my repository with version 1.4.3 and it just works fine, no OOM problems.
08-18-2020 09:46 AM
Hi @mathiasen,
Great news & thanks for updating us!
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